Chapter 9: Strategic LitigationChapter 8: Protecting Indigenous Rights through Law and ActivismChapter 7: UN Special ProceduresChapter 6: The Intersections between National and International Criminal and Human Rights LawChapter 25: Cultural Heritage Protection and Human RightsChapter 24: Climate Change, Climate Justice, and Human RightsChapter 23: Decolonizing RealitiesChapter 21: New Narratives: Artists Marking Memory During COVIDChapter 19: Talk Period: Stigma, Shame and Advocacy, Menstrual Rights are Human RightsChapter 18: Sex Workers’ Rights and Human Trafficking: When Human Rights Movements Violate Human RightsChapter 17: The International Human Rights of LGBTI+ PersonsChapter 16: Grassroots Feminist Activism in Africa: The One Billion Rising MovementChapter 15: ‘#me too’ and Beyond in the U.S. and IndiaChapter 13: Drug Use, Trauma, and HealingChapter 12: Black Lives MatterChapter 11: Managing Civil Society OrganizationsChapter 10: Feminicides / Femicides