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  1. To revolutionize how human rights is taught, how it is conceived, and what counts as expert knowledge in rights discourses.
  2. To empower local activists and survivors as they engage in meaningful dialogue with students, instructors, and community groups worldwide.
  3. Community members who are often treated as objects of study and not subjects with knowledge will be empowered by contributing to academic and policy conversations.
  4. Human rights discourses will be enriched by considering voices that are not normally heard and publicizing issues that are often ignored.
  5. To significantly change the perceptions of the classroom with instructors routinely inviting on-the-ground experts into their classrooms.
  6. Speakers’ fees will sustain human rights activists and groups in developing areas.

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Special thanks to Javier Duran, Irene Jagla, Lesa Langan-DuBerry Alice Ritscherle, Jamie Manser, Heather Grey, Darcy Roman-Felix, Monica Casper, Gabriel Gibson Acosta.

Original GHRD Committee

William Paul Simmons
Kenneth S Mcallister
Dr. Victor Braitberg
Dr. Leonard Hammer
Nina Rabin
Salih Can Aciksoz
Zeynep Korkman
Susan Stryker
Elizabeth Oglesby
Jamie A. Lee
Kay Mathiesen
Kaitlin M. Murphy
Dr. Anna Ochoa O’Leary
Eithne Luibhéid
Layal Rabat
Najwa Nabti

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