Supreme Court Recognizes Transgenders as ‘Third Gender’
The Supreme Court in India made a landmark decision in April of 2014 to recognize…
High Court Sidesteps Ruling on Transgender Rights
The Supreme Court sent a case concerning seventeen-year-old transteen named Gavin Grim using a men's…
Arrested for Walking While Trans: An Interview with Monica Jones
The article about Monica Jones discusses how Jones was arrested over "an intent to engage…
Testimony – Immigration Detention Staff Attorney and Current VP of Immigration Policy at American Progress Tom Jawetz
This is a testimony from Immigration Detention Staff Attorney and current Vice President of Immigration…
First Hand Accounts – Children in Detention
Tells the story of Maria, a woman who came to the U.S. to escape her…
Apples-To-Fish: Public and Private Prison Cost Comparisons
This study by Alex Friedmann explores whether or not private prisons actually save money compared…
Are Private Prisons to Blame for Mass Incarceration and its Evils? Prison Conditions, Neoliberalism, and Public Choice
This article by Hada Aviram explores the distinction between public and private prisons. One of…
Prisons for Profit: Incarceration for Sale
This article was written by Michael Vrickner and Sakyra Diaz in 2011. It introduces the…
Transitional Justice in Sierra Leone: Oral History, Human Rights, and Post-Conflict Reconciliation by Joseph Ben Kaifala, JD
"The concept of oral history is not a novel idea in Sierra Leonean society where…
“You Only Have Your Word:” Rape and Testimony
"The definition of rape in international law is in flux, as the controversy over the…
Towards a Pedagogy of Listening: Teaching and Learning From Life Stories of Human Rights Violations
"In response to the task of designing curriculum that helps youth engage thoughtfully with digital…
Comfort Women in Human Rights Discourse: Fetishized Testimonies, Small Museums, and the Politics of Thin Description
"The article focuses on comfort women who were women and girls who were forced into…