Visions from the Inside
This does not provide direct testimonies, but it is still a highly powerful piece. The work shows pieces done by several artists based on letters written by people in detention centers. This site provides the artwork, quote from letter and artist statement. Even though the original letters are not on the site, there are still quotes that show what these people are feeling. “The guards mistreat them because they do not speak English.” -Excerpt from Reina’s letter “I didn’t come here to hurt anybody. I just came to this country trying to save my life.” Excerpt from Marlon’s letter. “The way I see it, this place is a human warehouse.” -Excerpt from Pavel’s letter “to get to this country, one suffers a lot.” The work expresses the sentiments of these people, many who were deceived by their high hopes of what they thought coming to this country would mean. The majority of these people are fleeing horrific situations in their home countries but once they are here they a treated as to what they would call “inhumane”. Many are denied health care, treated violently or in a demeaning manner, causing them to feel defeated and with a loss of identity. What is most noticeable is the lack of humanity.