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Justice in Motion (F/K/A Global Workers Justice Alliance) – Global Human Rights Direct
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Justice in Motion (F/K/A Global Workers Justice Alliance)

Justice in Motion is dedicated to exposing and overcoming barriers that prevent migrants from obtaining justice for labor and civil rights abuses or safety from harm. We envision a world where justice is portable and all migrants have the ability to access justice across borders. We currently operate legal, educational, and policy initiatives in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. In conjunction with a unique network of on-the-ground human rights partners in migrant countries of origin, Justice in Motion ensures that justice crosses borders.


  • Address: 789 Washington Avenue, 2nd Floor
  • Postcode: 11238
  • City: Brooklyn
  • State: New York
  • Country: United States
Justice In Motion (F/K/A Global Workers Justice Alliance)
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