Front Line Defenders
Front Line Defenders was founded in Dublin in 2001 with the specific aim of protecting human rights defenders at risk (HRDs), people who work, non-violently, for any or all of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Front Line Defenders addresses the protection needs identified by HRDs themselves. Front Line Defenders maintains its headquarters in Dublin, an EU Office in Brussels, and regionally-based field staff in the Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe & Central Asia, and the Middle East.
Front Line Defenders provides rapid and practical support to human rights defenders at risk through:
- international advocacy on behalf of human rights defenders at risk, including emergency support for those in immediate danger;
- grants to pay for the practical security needs of human rights defenders;
- trainings and resource materials on security and protection, including digital security;
- rest, respite and other opportunities for human rights defenders dealing with extreme stress;
- opportunities for networking and exchange between human rights defenders, including at the biennial Dublin Platform;
- the annual Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk;
- an emergency 24-hour phone line for human rights defenders operating in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
For Questions/Comments:
Dublin Location: Second Floor
Grattan House
Temple Road
Blackrock, Co. Dublin
A94 FA39
Telephone: +353-1-212-3750
How can I contribute to the mission of this organization?
To contribute to Front Line Defenders one can educate on issues focused on in their campaigns.
The Campaigns programme at Front Line Defenders was created in direct response to requests from human rights defenders to help increase their visibility, respect and legitimacy aimed at raising awareness of and support for both the role of human rights defender and the individual HRDs at risk around the world.
Since 2011, Front Line Defenders has conducted a number of campaigns in support of human rights defenders, launching new and innovative initaitves aimed at generating new narratives both internationally and locally to boost the respect for HRDs and ultimately to improve their security. While all the campaigns run by Front Line Defenders have an international component and are complementary to advocacy efforts by the organisation, HRDs and allies, the real aim of the campaigns work is to create tools and resources for HRDs to boost their support in their own societies.
To donate to Front Line Defenders, click here