Ciudadanos Del Mundo
- City: Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
- Country: Argentina
- Telephone: (011) 4381-5684
- E-Mail:
How can you contribute to the mission of this organization?
According to a survey conducted by D ‘Alessio Irol, 34.7% of Argentines admit that there is discrimination based on nationality. If you want to make the world a better place, join us. That we all consider ourselves “Citizens of the World” is our goal.
Do you like our cause? Do you want to be part of the team?
Our association survives thanks to people like you, who collaborate in the development of our organization. If you have availability and desire to change the situation of immigrants in Argentina, I came to be part of the team. It is possible to work in different areas and develop professionally by participating in a solidary project. Get in touch with us so we can see what you can help us with.
The areas of action in focus of the Citizens of the World Foundation are:
-Social development (Psychologists, therapists, social workers)
-Relations Public (Fundraising, marketing, Social Media, Communications.
-Health (Doctors, Dentists, physiotherapists, nurses)
-Research (Students and graduates in Social Sciences and Humanities)
-Legales (Students and graduates in Law)
-Capacitators in different trades (crafts, electricity, manual works, carpentry …)
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world’ll live as one! ” John Lennon
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