Amnesty International
Amnesty International is funded by members and people like you. We are independent of any political ideology, economic interest or religion. No government is beyond scrutiny. No situation is beyond hope.
Few would have predicted when we started that torturers would become international outlaws. That most countries would abolish the death penalty. And seemingly untouchable dictators would be made to answer for their crimes.
Over the years, human rights have moved from the fringes to centre stage in world affairs.
Amnesty has grown from seeking the release of political prisoners to upholding the whole spectrum of human rights. Our work protects and empowers people – from abolishing the death penalty to protecting sexual and reproductive rights, and from combatting discrimination to defending refugees and migrants’ rights. We speak out for anyone and everyone whose freedom and dignity are under threat.
Amnesty International has various locations throughout the world so to find a specific location click here
- Address: 5 Penn Plaza, 16th Floor
- Postcode: 10001
- City: New York
- State: NY
How can I further the mission of this organization?
To further Amnesty International’s mission one can sign a petition, volunteer for them, become a member, or begin following them on social media to stay updated on their efforts. To find what works best for you click here. To donate to further their efforts click here.