Top 25 Ukrainian Human Rights Songs
Music has consistently provided solace, strength, and an emotional outlet in the chaos of war, and perhaps no one understands this better than Ukrainians. The people of Ukraine have faced authoritarian pressures and conflicts for centuries, and their songs evoke resilience, solidarity, and national pride. The songs have deep historical and cultural roots, often inspired by Ukrainian traditional folklore. Each of these songs, in one way or another, has become a symbol of resistance against Russian aggression.
Link to Spotify playlist-
- “Oy U Luzi Chervona Kalyna” [“Oh, in the Meadow, the Red Viburnum”]* Andriy Khlyvnyuk/Boombox
- Theme: Ukrainian Patriotism, National Resistance
- “Oh, in the Meadow, the Red Viburnum” is a 1914 pro-independence anthem of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, written by cultural figure Stepan Charnetsky. It is a patriotic song, that experienced a resurgence in popularity in 2022, following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Andriy Khlyvnyuk, the leader of the band “Boombox,” performed it at St. Sophia Square which went viral, inspiring countless people to create covers and share them on social media, including Pink Floyd. The song is banned in Russian-occupied territories, where people have been fined or arrested for singing it.
- Lyrics:
Ой у лузі червона калина похилиласяЧогось наша славна Україна зажурилася. Приспів (повторити два рази):А ми тую червону калину підіймемо,А ми нашу славну Україну, гей-гей, розвеселимо! Марширують наші добровольці у кривавий тан,Визволяти братів-українців з московських кайдан. | Oh, in the meadow red viburnum bent downFor some reason, our glorious Ukraine is distressed. Chorus (repeat two times):But we will raise that red viburnum!And we will cheer our glorious Ukraine up, hey-hey! Marching forward, our fellowVolunteers, into a bloody fray,To free our brother Ukrainians fromMoscow shackles. |
- Хливнюк & The Kiffness – Ой у лузi червона калина
- Pink Floyd’s version: Pink Floyd – Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox)
- “Enemy” Angie Kreida
- Theme: Ukrainian Incantation Against Russian Invaders
- In May 2022, the band Angie Kreida released the song “Enemy” based on the lyrics by Lyudmyla Horova, who shared the poem on Facebook. The song uses lines with magical motifs from ancient Ukrainian incantations.
- Lyrics:
Сію тобі в очі, Сію проти ночі.Буде тобі, враже, Так, як Відьма скаже.Скільки в святу землюВпало зерен жита –Стільки разів будеТебе, враже вбито.Скільки, враже, півеньВночі кукуріка –Стільки днів у тебеДоживати віка.Богові – Боже. | Sowing in thine eye, Sowing in the night. Thou shall get, my foe, By the Witch’s word.How many rye seeds Went to holy soil, Just as many times, foe, Shall thou be destroyed.How many cries, foe, Rooster gives at night, That shall be the count, foe, Of days until thou die. |
- Енджі Крейда – Враже (Офіційний Виднограй)
- “Місто Марії” [“City of Mary”] Okean Elzy
- Theme: Russian Invasion
- The legendary Ukrainian rock band Okean Elzy recorded the song, “City of Mary,” on April 21, 2022, dedicating it to the heroic defenders of Mariupol. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the band’s frontman, Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, joined the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and was given a special mission by the Lviv Regional Military Administration — to travel across Ukraine, providing support and inspiration to soldiers, volunteers, and ordinary people.
- Lyrics:
І корабельні гарматиВони не зламають мою мріюМоє серце ніколи не зрадить віриВитримає вікПраведний МаріупольДоки над гордим АзовомСонце сходить Поки сонце зійде над вільним АзовомПоки сонце сходить над нашим Азовом | And ship gunsThey will not break my dreamMy heart will never betray faithWill stand to ageThe righteous MariupolDocks over the proud AzovThe sun rises As long as the sun rises over the free AzovAs long as the sun rises over our Azov |
- Океан Ельзи – Місто Марії | audio Okean Elzy – Misto Marii
- “Lenta za Lentoyu” (Лента за лентою) [Tap by Tap] U PA Reble Song
- Theme: Defiance of invading armies/Reality of war
- This song serves as a tribute to those who fight with a spirit of defiance and hope in war, paying the ultimate price of war. This song tells the story of a young machine gunner who courageously fights (the chorus urges Ukrainian fighters not to retreat, even in the face of danger), but becomes wounded. A nurse who tends to him recognizes him, highlighting how war affects loved ones and sacrifices the youth. The song ends with machine-gun firing again, symbolizing the relentless nature of conflict. From the perspective of Ukrainian rebels, this song captures the harsh reality of battle and the personal cost of war.
- Lyrics:
До нього санітарка поспішно іде,В обличчя вдивляєсь, його пізнає. Ах, лента за лентою – набої подавай,Вкраїнський повстанче, в бою не відступай!Ах, лента за лентою – набої подавай,Вкраїнський повстанче, в бою не відступай! Він в неї вдивляєсь, пече в грудях рана,Біля кулемета дівчина молода. | A nurse hurries to him,Looking in the face, she recognizes him Belt after belt – you give me the cartridges,Ukrainian rebel, do not retreat in a battle!Belt after belt – you give me the cartridges,Ukrainian rebel, do not retreat in a battle! He stares on her, the wound in the breast burns,A young girl is near a machine-gun. |
- Лента За Лентою
- “Як ти?” [“How Are You?”] THE HARDKISS
- Theme: Russian Invasion
- The song, recorded in April 2022, resonated deeply with Ukrainians after the Russian full-scale invasion. Julia Sanina, the frontwoman of THE HARDKISS, said, “Our love, care, experience, and fear are all combined in this phrase…I was overwhelmed with hatred and anger. And then I decided that I could not experience these emotions in any other way, I needed to yell about this pain. I feel that songs of gratitude and admiration for our nation in the fight against the Russian occupiers remain to be written. Songs about love, about hope… But for now — “How are you?”. All proceeds from streaming this track were directed towards humanitarian aid in response to Russia’s military invasion, and THE HARDKISS has been actively touring Europe, raising funds for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and providing humanitarian support for displaced people.
- Lyrics:
Боже, залиш мені трохи сили.Мій холодний розум затоплює люті злива.Я не просила,Не просила “рятувати” мене кулями.Той, хто прийшов, проросте тутТравою отруйною.Поміняли мрії на приціл.Я тримаю твою руку в своїй руйною.Поміняли мрії на приціл.Я тримаю твою руку в своїй руці.Наші сльози на першій шпальті,А я знову питаю | God, leave me a little bit of strength.My cold mind is being flooded by the heavy rain of rage.I did not ask,Did not ask to “rescue” me by bullets.The ones who came here will sprout hereAs a poisonous herb.[We] exchanged the dreams for a scope.I’m holding your hand in mine,Our tears are on the front page.And I’m asking again |
- THE HARDKISS – Як ти? (official video) #StandWithUkraine
- “АЗОВ-СТАЛЬ” [Azov Steel] Kozak System
- Theme: Russian Invasion, Honor
- This song was written in dedication to the fearless defenders of Mariupol in May 2022. Serhiy Solovyi, the band’s trumpeter, wrote the song in half an hour following a charity concert in Lviv, saying, “At this time, the heart stops and bitter tears of pride appear, and the melody and words are born at the same time. Glory to the Defenders of the City of Mary! Glory to the heroes!” The 83-day defense of Mariupol significantly altered the course of the full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine. The defenders at the Azovstal plant thwarted the enemy’s plans to seize eastern Ukraine and diverted substantial enemy resources. Ivan Lenyo, the frontman of Kozak System said, “We consider these people to be absolute heroes, a symbol of Invincibility, a symbol of faith in Victory, faith in Ukraine. A low bow to every defender of Mariupol. We very much hope that a mechanism will be found to free them from captivity.”
- Lyrics:
Марія свята, ти їх збережиМене не жалій – я вже на межіТи бачила все, тут Бога немаТут тільки вогонь і свіжа зола Моє серце – сталь!Моя кров – Азов!Не плач моя люба!Воскреснемо знов!Моє серце – сталь!Моя кров – Азов!Не плач моя люба!Воскреснемо знов! | Holy Mary, you will save themDon’t feel sorry for me – I’m already on the edgeYou saw everything, there is no God hereThere is only fire and fresh ashes My heart is steel!My blood is Azov!Don’t cry my dear!Let’s resurrect again!My heart is steel!My blood is Azov!Don’t cry my dear!Let’s resurrect again! |
- “У мене немає дому” [“I Have No Home”] Odyn v Kanoe
- Theme: Russian Invasion, Displaced Peoples
- “I Have No Home” is an older song that re-entered the top charts and became one of the most searched by Ukrainians in 2022, despite originally being released in 2016. This is no surprise, as over 6.5 million Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes due to Russian aggression.
- Lyrics:
Справа в тому,Що в мене немає домуІ за правилом доброго тону,Як за правилом доброго ременя,Я згадаю з якого я племені,Пригадаю з якого міста, | The crux of the matter is thatI don’t have a home,And by the rules of common decency,As if by the rule of good belt (force),I will remember the tribe I am from,Will remember the town I’m from. |
- Один в каное – У мене немає дому | Odyn v kanoe – I have no home
- “Обійми” [“Embrace”] Okean Elzy
- Theme: Effects of War
- “When the day comes, the war will end…” — it’s likely because of these opening lyrics that this hit has regained popularity today, even though it was released nine years ago. Since the war began, many covers of Okean Elzy’s “Embrace” have been recorded, and the song has been performed at various concerts. The most famous performance came from the British rock band Coldplay during their concert in Warsaw in July 2022. Frontman Chris Martin admitted that while he didn’t understand the lyrics, he still loved the song. In August, Coldplay invited the song’s original author, Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, to perform it with them at their concert in Brussels.
- Lyrics:
Коли настане день, Закінчиться війна, Там загубив себе, Побачив аж до днаОбійми мене, обійми мене, обійми Так лагідно і не пускай, Обійми мене, обійми мене, обійми Твоя весна прийде нехай. | When come a day, The war will end, There I’ve lost myself, I saw it all the wayEmbrace me, embrace me, embrace So tenderly and don’t let go, Embrace me, embrace me, embrace Your spring will come, I know |
- Океан Ельзи – Обійми | Obijmy (2013, official video)
- “Razom Nas Bahoto” (Нас багато) [Together We are Many] GreenJolly
- Theme: Protests against political corruption and electoral fraud.
- This hip-hop song became the unofficial anthem of the Ukrainian Orange Revolution in 2004, sparked by the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election run-off and reports of corruption, voter intimidation, and electoral fraud in favor of Viktor Yanukovych. The song deliberately resembles the title of the famous Chilean song, “El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será Vencido,” or “The People United Will Never Be Defeated.” “Razom Nas Bahoto” was Ukraine’s 2005 Eurovision entry.
- Lyrics:
Що ви хочете сказати своїм дочкам і синамВи знаєте, що битва не закінчиться, поки битву не буде виграноПо правді кажучи, ми не боїмося зброїМи залишаємося непереможеними, тому що разом ми єдині | What you wanna say to your daughters and sonsYou know the battle is not over till the battle is wonTruth be the weapon, we ain’t scared of the gunsWe stay undefeated, ’cause together we’re one |
- Greenjolly – Razom Nas Bahato (Ukraine) Live – Eurovision Song Contest 2005
- “Ne tvoya viyna” (Не твоя війна) [Not Your War] Okean Elzy
- Theme: Russian/Ukrainian war
- The central theme of this song is to fight for Ukraine and seize control of your destiny. Okean Elzy’s frontman, Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, said, “The key battle is within each of us, within our society. ‘Not Your War’ is the battle with your own prejudice and fears to change anything, to take control over events, and not just blame somebody somewhere. This is extremely difficult, however without this, there is no bright future for a person, the society or the country.”
- Lyrics:
Бій на світанні. Сонце і дим.Мало хто знає, що ж буде з ним.Що буде завтра в юних думках?В когось надія, а в кого — страх. Гілля калин похилилося.Мама, кому ж ми молилися?Скільки іще забере вонаТвоїх дітей, не твоя війна? | Battle at dawn. Sun and smoke.Few know how it will end.What will be in the young minds tomorrow?Someone will have hope, someone fear. Viburnum’s branches bent.Mother, to whom did we pray?How many more your childrenWill the war that’s not yours to take? |
- Океан Ельзи – Не твоя війна | Ne tvoya viyna (official video)
- “Tini zabutykh predkiv” (Тіні забутих предків) [Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors] Alina Pash
- Theme: Ukrainians long fight for independence
- Alina Pash is looking to the past with hopes for the future. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors is remembering Ukraine’s centuries-long struggle for independence and self-determination. The Slavic sky gods, Perun and Dazhbog, are credited with bringing peace.
- Lyrics:
Трембіти плачуть за мій вільний народКотре століття жиє поміж негодПлемен молитви чули і Перун, і ДажбогВіче формувало код етнічних спільнотАби було добре всім вельможам і панамБоронив із козаками землю отаманМоя Батьківщина — як дівчина молодаБуде проростати — як пшениця золота | Trembits are crying for my free peopleWhat century lives in the midst of bad weatherTribes heard prayers and Perun and DazhbogViche formed the code of ethnic communitiesMay it be good for all nobles and lordsI plowed the land with the Cossacks chieftainMy Motherland – like a young girlIt will sprout – like golden wheat |
- Alina Pash – Тіні Забутих Предків (Lyric video)
- “Rozy/Donbass” (Троянди/Донбас) [Roses/Donbas] Dakh Daughters
- Theme: The Cost of War, the loss of identity, and home
- Donbas is a war-torn region of Ukraine on the Russian border now largely under Russian occupation. In a prophetic song recorded before the 2022 invasion, the Dakh Daughters describe a ghost town, devoid of joy and identity.
- Lyrics:
Больше не скорби о том, что ты сделалУ роз есть шипы, а у серебряных фонтанов грязь.Облака и затмения окрашивают луну и солнцеИ отвратительная язва живет в самом сладком бутонеБольше не скорби о том, что ты сделал | No more be grieved at that which thou hast doneRoses have thorns, and silver fountains mudClouds and eclipses stain both moon and sunAnd loathsome canker lives in sweetest budNo more be grieved at that which thou hast done |
- Dakh Daughters “Rozy / Donbass” (live acoustic)
- “Home Back,” Jinjer
- Theme: Anti-War
- “Home Back” expresses what day-to-day reality is like for Ukrainians with war surrounding them. The lyrics are written as if the war is being seen through the eyes of a child and witnessing magical things instead of the horrors of war.
- Lyrics:
Are those the fireworks? No. it’s a military quirk. Is it a mermaid singing? No. it’s a siren screaming.Is it an angel watching over us? It’s an air-fighter making a fuss. Why is this party looking so bizarre? A party? No! this is W.A.R. |
- “Bayraktar” Cвітоглядець
- Theme: Ukraine War
- “Bayraktar” is a Ukrainian patriotic military recruiting song released just weeks after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Dedicated to the Baykar Bayraktar TB2 combat drone due to its successful deployment against Russian troops, the song mocks Russian troops and the invasion. It is a song that quickly became popular in protests.
- Lyrics:
Прийшли окупанти до нас в УкраїнуФорма новенька, воєнні машиниТа трохи поплавився їх інвентарБайрактар… Байрактар… Веде пропаганду кремлівський урод,Слова пропаганди ковтає народ.Тепер нове слово знає їх цар… | The occupiers came to us in Ukraine,With the brand new uniform, military vehicles,But their inventory melted a bit,Bayraktar… Bayraktar… The Kremlin freak is conducting propaganda,The people swallow the words (of the propaganda).Now their tzar knows a new word… |
- Bayraktar – Ukrainian War Song (English subtitles, napisy polskie and other languages)
- “Діти” [Children] Zhadan i Sobaky
- Theme: Ukraine War through the eyes of children
- “Children” is a song focused on children and the potential aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine War. It emphasizes the effects of the war and the importance of winning the war for the future of the children.
- Lyrics:
Ті, що повернуться і ті, що прийдуть,Кого згадають, кого тут приймуть,Кому віддячили, кого не забули,Хто носить, як шрами, ламане минуле | Those who will return here, those who will come home,those who’ll be remembered, those who’ll be gone,those who have been thanked, those who have fresh scarsand live in a nightmare, recalling the war |