Structural Violence and Violence Against Women at the U.S.-Mexico Border
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Sources to Consult
Aikin Araluce, Olga. 2009. “Transnational Advocacy Networks and Political Change in Mexico: Towards a Process of Socialization of International Norms of Violence Against Women in the Case of Murdered Women in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua” in Human Rights along the U.S.-Mexico Bordered. Kathleen Staudt, Tony Payan, and Z. Anthony Kruszewski. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
Amnesty International. 2010. Invisible Victims: Migrants on the Move in Mexico. London: Amnesty International. Available at
Brown, Cynthia J. and Wendy V. Cunningham. 2002. Gender in Mexico’s Maquiladora Industry. Center of Border Economic Studies, The University of Texas-Pan American Working Paper #2002-8. Available at
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. 2002. Concluding Comments of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: Mexico(CEDAW/C/MEX/5), August 23.
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Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. 2003.The Situation of the Rights of Women in Ciudad Juárez, México: The Right to be Free from Violence and Discrimination, (OEA/Ser.L/V/II.117). March 7.Meyer, Maureen, with contributions from Stephanie Brewer and Carlos Cepeda. 2010. “Abused and Afraid in Ciudad Juárez: An Analysis of the Human Rights Violations by the Military in Mexico,” Washington Office on Latin America. September.
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Ruiz Marrujo, Olivia T. 2009. “Women, Migration, and Sexual Violence: Lessons from Mexico’s Borders” in Human Rights along the U.S.-Mexico Bordered. Kathleen Staudt, Tony Payan, and Z. Anthony Kruszewski. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
Stack, Jeremy. 2013. “In the Shadow of the Wall: Family Separation, Immigration, Enforcement, and Security.” Tucson, AZ: The Center for Latin American Studies, University of Arizona.
Staudt, Kathleen. 2008. Violence and Activism at the Border: Gender, Fear and Everyday Life in Ciudad Juárez. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Staudt, Kathleen. 2009. “Violence at the Border: Broadening the Discourse to Include Feminism, Human Security and Deeper Democracy.” In Staudt, Payan, and Kruszewski, Human Rights Along the U.S-Mexico Border: Gendered Violence and Insecurity. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. pp. 1-27.
Washington Valdez, Diana. 2006. Harvest of Women: Safari in Mexico. Los Angeles: Peace at the Border Publishing.
Wright, Melissa W. 2011. “Necropolitics, Narcopolitics, and Femicide: Gendered Violence on the Mexico-U.S. Border” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society36 (3):