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Sex Workers Rights

  • Sex workers are too often stigmatized by law enforcement officials, politicians and the general public.  This is made worse by the ubiquitous anti-trafficking rhetoric and marketing strategies.  In the name of rescuing trafficking victims, too often consensual sex workers are labeled as trafficking victims.  They are often arrested in anti-trafficking stings.  An already marginalized population is further marginalized in the name of human rights.

NGOs working on the issue

  • Amnesty International
  • Rede Brasileira de Prostitutas
  • RedTraSex
  • The Feminist Wire

Links to additional relevant NGOs

Sources to Consult

Ideas for helping out with the issue

  1. We would recommend that our friend uses Google Scholar or JSTOR because these sources will give them the most unbiased portrayal of sex work and human trafficking in Europe.
  2. TAMPEP is a great website to find information on sex work (by and for sex workers), so that would give a more authentic perspective on the issue.
Sex Workers Rights
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