LGBT Rights in Russia
LGBT persons in Russia are highly prosecuted and denied many of their human rights and are not granted the same legal rights as heterosexuals.
NGOs working on the issue
- Human Rights Watch
Wilkinson, Cai. “Putting “Traditional Values” Into Practice: The Rise and Contestation of Anti-Homopropaganda Laws in Russia.” Journal of Human Rights 13.3 (2014): 363-79. Web. Special access needed. Explains how traditional values are used to counter LGBT rights. Engle, Eric, Gay Rights in Russia? Russia’s Ban on Gay Pride Parades and the General Principle of Proportionality in International Law (July 22, 2013). 6/2 Journal of Eurasian Law 22 (2013). Available at SSRN: or This article examines the application of the proportionality principle in Russian constitutional law and international human rights law to explain why the results differ. It also explains the political dynamics which shape and will shape the construction of LGBT rights in Russia. Kondakov, Alexander, Same-Sex Marriages Inside the Closet: Deconstruction of Subjects of Gay and Lesbian Discourses in Russia (October 28, 2010). Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2011. Available at SSRN: This work aims to analyse LGBT discourse in Russia conducted by human rights non-governmental organisations concerned with the protection of gay and lesbian rights in the country. The main emphasis is given to deconstruction of subjectivities of the discourse with tools of Foucaultian and critical discourse-analyses. Thomas, Kristen, We’re Here, We’re Queer, Get Used to It: Freedom of Assembly and Gay Pride in Alekseyev v. Russia (May 1, 2012). 14 Or. Rev. Int’l L. 473. Available at SSRN: This Note examines the Court’s decision in detail, arguing that the decision is following a recent — though not universal — trend in expanding recognition and protection of gay rights in Europe, especially in rights of assembly and participation. “Out of the Blue.” Out of the Blue. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2017. A poetry book from homosexual Russian poets. More info at and can be purchased at
Leading Activists: Nikolai Alexeyev, Elena Kostyuchenko, Igor Kochetkov Sources on issues (IGOs and Court Cases):